About Me

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I am kind,generous,friendly and most of all a very simple girl...

Month of...


Monday, June 27, 2011

Real friends

     Friends walk through life together whether they live close or far apart.They know that the other one is there...To share the highs and lows and everything else.
        Friends are connected at the heart,and there commitment to there friendship is permanent.They believe in each other.They are sensitive and supportive,and they can talk about things they may not even talk to there families about.Each of them knows the other will understand,know matter what...
        Friends aren't afraid to break the rules,depend each other and go out of there way.They've cried together and laughed together,and they have been there when it matter.There loyalty is no one can take the place of a friend,,just like no one can take in my life.And always live in my heart.......      JUST LIKE MY FAMILY

Friday, June 24, 2011

Who Is the Real Teacher?

      The real teacher of life is not experience.Its not overhead conversations or lines from songs or what you read in books.
      The real teacher is YOU.You're the one who must decide,of all that comes your way,what is true and what is not,what applies to you and what does not,what you learn now and what you promise yourself you'll learn later.
      Have you noticed that two people can read the same book or see the same movie or take the same course and remember entirely different things?The best that life can do is present lesson to you.The learning is up to you.
      If you listen carefully you'll hear a voice inside yourself.Its the voice of your inner teacher.It may not be the loudest voice in there but its often the most consistent,patient and persistent one.
   "I am here.I have always been here.I'm on your side.I LOVE YOU"