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Month of...


Thursday, September 15, 2011


  It's amazing how getting a popular guy can feel like a major accomplishment.It's sort of like winning the first-pla ce trophy at your next track meet.
    Only in this  case,the trophy is walking and talking!
   The thing is,you know he's not really a trophy.No one is.He just look good-especially next to you.Not that you shouldn't enjoy getting special attention from a super popular guy.But do you like other things about him besides his looks?
    If you have nothing in common and you're bored when you're with him,your definitely not going to have much fun together.And then you're going to have deal with breaking up with him,and  breakups aren't fun.In fact,breakups can involve all kinds of unnecessary  insecurities and pain-especially when th erelationship was never actually real.
Admittedly,going out with the cutest boy in your school can be a big ego boost-if he chose you,then you must be pretty hot yourself.But then again,if you're so hot,what do you need him for?You don't!
And what if he breaks up with you?You might wind up thinking,I'm such a loser.How could I have ever believed that a good-looking guy like that would stay interested in me?You won't be hurting over love lost.You'll be suffering from a bad case of low- esteem,and that's a lot harder to shake off than a boy you don't really like.
   And once you've realized your mistake and you  decide to break up with him ...
    News flash!Great-looking boys have feelings,too! It isn't fair to pretend to care for someone who you feel,deep down inside,hardly connects with you at all.You might even wind up breaking his heart,and then how will you feel?
     So what do you do?
     No matter how cute he is,don't get into a boyfriend-girlfriend thing until you have true feelings...not just a surface attraction.How can you tell the difference?
   Well,when he's talking,do you wish he'd be quiet so you can just kiss?Would you rather go out with him and loads of other people than be alone together?Do you find yourself really enjoying the first few date when you first see him and then about a half hour later feeling kind of lonely or bored or both?
  If the answer to any of these questions is yes,then you can pretty much bet there's not a lot happening between the two of you.You'd probably be better off doing the friend and leaving the boyfriend thing for someone you're really into in all ways,not just looks.
  Having a hot date can be fun,even if you don't find him all that fascinating.But having a hot boyfriend you don't like that much will inevitably end on a sour note.
     And the funny thing is,after a while he'll stop looking so hot.


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