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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If he says he doesn't want a serious relationship,believe him.

Welcome to the time-honored trap titled "I'll Be the One to Change Him".It's  a trap we all set for ourselves at one time or another when we really like someone who doesn't want to be toed down by a relationship.We tell ourselves,"Yeah,but with me its going to be different."
One thing is absolutely,completely certain:No matter how hard you try to change him,it won't work.Only he can change him.Don't delude yourself by thinking you the beauty,the personality,the magic trick that will turn a frog into a prince.
He's told you he doesn't want to get serious,but you've been harboring secret fantasies that the more you hang out together,the more attached to you he'll become.There is a tiny,vague change that this could happen.But it's unlikely.So you have to take him at hos word:He doesn't want a girlfriend.
It's too unfair to you to do otherwise.The pressure to be"the one" is just to much to take.You can't be because he's not looking for anyone.And when you don't succeed in turning him around,you'll wind up punishing yourself unnecessarily-obviously something wasn't good enough about you.Wrong.It's kind of like a lawyer presenting a case in a courtroom to a jury that's already made up it's mind before it walked in.If none of the members of the jury are willing to give the lawyer a change,nothing he says,none of his brilliant tactics,will change their minds.Does that make him a terrible lawyer?Of course not.
The  next time a guy tells you he doesn't want to get serious,believe him and keep your options open.You simply can't lose that way.If you show the guy you like that you're fine with being independent,he may feel braver about trying a relationship since he won't feel pushed into something he's not ready for.Or you might forget all about him when you meet someone else-someone who wants to be in a serious relationship just as much as you do.


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